Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Still Life

This is a still life that I did for the Final in my Drawing 1 class. I only had a certain amount of time to finish it, so the flowers are not as complete as I would like.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

"Running through the wind" sketch by McKenzie Clarke

Horses are so fun to draw, especially when their muscles are shown, I still need more practice getting the technique down.


"Beauty" sketch by McKenzie Clarke

This was a fun one to draw because it aloud me to focus on how to draw hair.

Monday, August 27, 2012

About Me and my Blog

Here's my official blog logo (I guess that's what you would call it)

In summary of who I am, I am seventeen years old living "the dream life" (sarcasm) in Las Vegas and pursuing art (if you haven't noticed.) I hope to enroll into BYU provo and get a Bachelors and Masters either in studio arts, illustration, or Graphic arts. My Dad has been my inspiration for my art passion. He is also an artist and my personal teacher. I only started pursuing art seriously during my freshmen year of high school. I love traditional artists and traditional style of art. 

Beside my art life, I love many other hobbies. I am learning sign language at the moment. I also love to sing and play the viola. My family and I goes out on hikes as much as we can, and I take my dog out running as much as I can. 

So I hope you enjoy my artwork. 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

"The Old and Young" Sketch by McKenzie Clarke

(Sorry: This picture turned out to be a bit blurry)

Friday, August 24, 2012

Line Drawing Project

This was once again a drawing assignment in my art class, but this exercise involved doing only a line drawing of the still life that was presented to us. And Yes! there was a foot in a box. Since I finished early she aloud me to add some more shading.

Vanitas Project

One of the "Vanitas still life" that I did in my Art Class last spring semester. 
Vanitas are a kind of art style that portrays death through symbols such as skulls, rotting fruit, or dying flowers. 

Camera Project

This is one of my projects in my sophomore Graphic Arts class. 
This was my version of making a camera.